indesk testimonials

Mayfair MediSpa Clinic

"Very bespoke, very personal service (...) This is something that in our industry is very important. So far, excellent.

london, uk

Listen to the whole interview with Anna Camilleri:

Video Transcription:

About the Mayfair Medispa clinic

Mayfair Medispa is a private Medical, Aesthetic, and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic set up by Harley Street Cosmetic Surgery Coach and Clinical Therapist. The clinic provides a wide range of aesthetic treatments and non-invasive makeovers, combined with excellent patient care and the latest technological advancements.

Challenges and Solutions:

"[Before InDesk] I had to drop everything to answer those calls. I could never switch off from work. I was lucky you guys came at the right time to help and saved the day."

The InDesk receptionists improve the work-life balance of medical aesthetic practitioners.

"What is key in our business, is for every enquiry to be answered by a human, not voicemail. It is much better than clients leaving endless messages and then waiting for us to respond."

With our Receptionists, no enquiry is left unanswered!

"Very bespoke, very personal service, even though it is a business. This is something that in our industry is very important. So far, excellent."

The InDesk receptionists tailor their service to the specific requirements of each clinic.